Wednesday 3 April 2013

Fair weather fisherman.

I love fishing, I love being outside in quiet tranquillity, as close as I can get to nature. Due to exceptionally bad weather of late, I have done very little fishing. I’m an optimist by and large and I sense the weather is turning. Spring must be upon us soon and I will return to the water and tempt a fish or two onto my hook. I enjoy planning my trips the night before I set out. Rods, tackle and bait carefully prepared. I make a point of never checking my mail in the morning, most of it is junk mail or electricity bills or the like. One thing is imperative for peace and spiritual healing, never take a mobile phone on a fishing trip. I detest the bloody things at the best of times, they make creative thinking impossible in my opinion.

So, any day now I will be out on my favourite lake, full of hope and expectancy. Fishing can never be predicted, the same goes for the game of golf I played for close on fifty years. Win or catch or lose and fail is not overly important, it’s trying that counts and being there, holding in your mind, that special moment, when time stands still, and you are glad to be alive.


  1. Fishermans Friend4 April 2013 at 10:02

    It is being outside that has a calming effect. Walking, fishing, relaxing it is good for the soul.
    More people should try it

  2. Thank you friend for your comment, I agree. Watching moving water is also very calming. I have spent far too much time indoors reading about fishing this winter and must get out on the bank soon. In my younger days I played golf in any weather conditions, sitting around fishing in freezing conditions, and harsh wind, would probably finish me off these days.


  3. The weather has not been good for fishing or walking but surely some sort of Spring must be round the corner, it's just that the corner is extra long this year-

    From another fair weather fisherman

  4. Thanks for your comment. In North London today snow coming down and temp 3 degrees centigrade. When will it ever warm up ?

